Faculty of Foreign Languages

Department staff

1. Miloslavsky Igor Grigorjevich

Doctor of Philology, the head of the department. The academician of the International higher education academy of sciences, professor, the distinguished professor of the Moscow State University of Lomonosov, Doctor of Philology, Miloslavsky Igor Grigoryevich, chairman of the department.

Sphere of scientific interests
  • The study of active grammar of the Russian language
  • The creation of special divisions of ideographic grammar of the Russian language
  • The revelation of combinatory possibilities of the units of different level, conveying definite nominative contents
Theme of the Doctorate dissertation
“Issues of world-building syntax”(1982)

Courses of lectures
  • The Russian language and culture of speech (lexicology, word-formation, morphology)
  • The Russian language and culture of speech (for foreign students)
  • The Russian language and culture of speech (lexicology, word-formation, morphology)
2. Bogdanova Ludmila Ivanovna

Doctor of Philology, professor.
Graduated philological faculty of MSU of Lomonosov.
Lectured the Russian language in universities in South Korea (1997 – 1998) and Germany (2006).

Sphere of scientific interests:
  • Ideographic description of Russian verbs
  • The study of active grammar of the Russian language
  • The study of lexicographic description of the Russian lexis, based on cognitive approach
  • Axiological aspect in the studying of lexical semantics
Theme of the Doctorate dissertation
The dependence of  actant forms on semantic qualities of Russian verbs

Courses of lectures
  • The Russian lexicography
  • The Russian language and culture of speech
  • The semantic process in lexis (MA course)
  • The Russian cultural concepts (MA course)
  • The Russian language in modern dynamic world (MA course)
3. Fedosuk Michail Yurjevich

Doctor of Philology, professor
Graduated philological faculty of MSU of Lomonosov

Sphere of scientific interests
  • Russian and comparative syntax
  • Sentence and text’s semantics
  • Indirect ways of conveying information
Theme of the Doctorate dissertation
“Implicative predication in the Russian speech” (1990)

Courses of lectures
General linguistics
History of linguistics (MA course)
Rhetoric (for the students of biological department)
Historical, typological and comparative linguistics (for post-graduate students)

4. Gordievskaya Maria Lvovna

Philology PhD., associate professor
Graduated philological faculty of Moscow state pedagogical university

Sphere of scientific interests
  • Syntactic structure in modern Russian language : comparative approach
  • Diachronic changes in the syntactic system of the Russian language
  • Varieties in modern Russian and mechanisms of syntactic change in Russian
  • Trends in the syntax of the modern Russian colloquial speech
Theme of the dissertation
“Tendencies of the reduction of the syntactic structure in the Russian colloquial dialogue speech” (The scientific advisers: Professor L. Y. Maksimov, associate professor J. A. Dosorets, 1996)

Courses of lectures
  • Introduction to the theory of the first foreign language ( Russian language)
  • Russian culture reflected in the Russian language (MA course)
  • Linguistic fundamentals of the Russian language as a foreign one (specialization “Russian language as a foreign one”)
  • Practical course of the Russian language for foreign students
  • The Russian language for special purposes (MA course)
  • The Russian language (for the students of biological department)
  • Comparative analysis of the syntactic structures of the Russian language
5. Manuylova Nina Aleksandrovna
Philology PhD., associate professor
Graduated of philological faculty of the Sverdlovsk pedagogical institute
Lectured the Russian language in the State University of Madagascar (Antananarivo, 1988 – 1991).

Lectured the Russian language in the University of Paris (Nanterre, France, 1993 - 1997).

Lectured the Russian language in Ruhr University(Bochum, Germany, 2007).

Sphere of scientific interests:
  • Cognitive aspects of fictional text research
  • Pragmatics of the language units
  • Discourse strategies
Theme of the dissertation
The functional and stylistic characteristics of phraseology in newspaper text (The scientific adviser: Professor Mokienko V.M., 1986)

Courses of lectures
  • The Russian language for business communication
  • The functional stylistics and editorship
  • Linguistic analysis of a text
  • Practical course of the Russian language for foreign students
  • The Russian language and culture of speech (lexis, derivation and morphology)
  • Connotation and means of its verbalization
6. Marchenko Olga Stanislavovna

Philology PhD., associate professor
Graduated Slavic department of philological faculty of Moscow State University of Lomonosov in 1979, full-time postgraduate study of philological faculty of Moscow State University of Lomonosov (Russian language department) in 1991.

Sphere of scientific interests
  • Word-formation synthesis problems, lacuna in a language
  • Language space of Russian postmodernism
Dissertation theme: «Expression possibilities of modification meanings by the most common verbs of the Russian language at word-formation level» is defended in Moscow State University of Lomonosov in 1992. The scientific adviser: I.G. Miloslavskiy

Lecture courses:
  • The theory of foreign languages teaching

Elective course: «The typology of the difficulties in Russian language productive speech activity».

  • The Russian language and speech standards (lexicology, word-formation, morphology)
  • Practical course of the Russian language for foreign students
  • The Russian language (MA course)
Proseminar: «Russian dictionaries experience in the description of word meanings».

7. Vashchekina Tatyana Vladimirovna

Philology PhD., senior lecturer
Graduated the faculty of history and philology of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Lumumba.
Lectured the Russian language on summer courses in HPR (1979, 1980)

Sphere of scientific interests
  • Comparative lexical and phraseological researches
  • Phraseology of the Spanish language
  • Cognitive linguistics (sphere of concepts)
  • Lingua - didactic testing (the carrying out technique and preparation of subtests "Reading", "Listening", «Speaking», "Writing", «Grammar. Vocabulary» I, II, III certified levels of the general proficiency in a language as a foreign one)
  • The theory of tests basis and test practice in aspect of Russian as a foreign language
  • The Russian language as a foreign teaching methodology
  • Lingua - didactic bases of foreign languages teaching, in particular Russian as a foreign one
Dissertation theme: «Allomorphic root variation in a word-formation chain»

The scientific adviser: Doctor of Philology, Professor L.G. Zubkova (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, 1995).

Lecture courses:
  • Methodological fundamentals of the Russian language as a foreign one (specialization “Russian language as a foreign one”)
  • Seminars:
  • Practical course of the Russian language for foreign students
  • Practical course of communication (taught in Russian)
  • Referencing of the texts in Russian
  • The Russian language and culture of speech (lexicology, word-formation, morphology, syntax).

8. Merkulova Elizaveta Maksimovna

Philology PhD.
Former graduate of philological faculty of Moscow Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute

Sphere of scientific interests:
  • Pragmatics of the language
  • Connotation of the language unit
  • Discourse strategies
Dissertation theme: Linguistic means of presentation of military conflict’s sides in American and Russian discourses (based on the material of official texts) . The scientific adviser: Doctor of Philology, Professor L. I. Bogdanova (MSU, 2013).

Courses of lectures
The theory of foreign languages teaching

  • Practical course of the Russian language for foreign students
  • The Russian language and culture of speech (lexis, derivation and morphology)
  • The Russian language in space and time
9. Tsypina Irina Mihaylovna

Philology PhD.
Graduated of the faculty of foreign languages and areal studies of Moscow state university of Lomonosov. From 2009 up to now is a teacher of Russian and English languages

Sphere of scientific interests
  • the comparative analysis of lexical units of Russian and English languages
  • ancient languages
Dissertation theme: «The comparative analysis of the semantic field «diplomacy and foreign policy» in English and Russian languages (based on diplomatic documents of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Great Britain and the USA dated from 2000 till 2012)», 20013. The scientific adviser: Doctor of Philology, prof. T.G. Dobrosklonskaya.

  • The Russian language and culture of speech
  • Practical course of the Russian language for foreign students
  • The Russian language (for the students of biological department)
10. Petrova Olga Nikolaevna

Philology PhD., associate professor
Graduate philological faculty of MSU of Lomonosov

Sphere of scientific interests
  • Syntax of modern Russian language
  • Language of fictional texts
  • Practical course of the Russian language for foreign students
  • Hidden meanings in the Russian text (for foreign students) 
  • Historicism in the Russian language (audiovisual series) (for foreign students)
Dissertation theme:
"Russian indefinite-personal sentences and their place in the syntactic system of the Russian language" (supervisor Prof. V.A Beloshapkova., 1985)

11. Tsyrenova Maria Ivanovna
Philology PhD.

Sphere of scientific interests
  • Methods of the Russian language teaching
  • The first certified level of the general proficiency in a language as a foreign one
  • Intercultural communication
  • Linguistics and area studies
  • Psychological aspects of Russian as a foreign one
Dissertation theme:
"The model of the educational process of South Korean students of philology (the initial stage of education)" (2013)

  • Practical course of the Russian language for foreign students
  • Practical course of communication (taught in Russian)

Contact Information
The Department of Comparative Analysis of Languages

Address: MSU, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, Russia, 119192, Moscow, 31/1, rooms 234-235
Telephone: 8 (495) 734 02 55

About Us

Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies
Lomonosov Moscow State University

119991, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie gory 1, Bldg. 13-14.

E-mail: [email protected]